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Plant Shadow
Plant Shadow

SKA Synergy –A Comprehensive Spectrum of Healing for Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

Lovingly Embrace Your Beautiful & Unique Journey to Radical Empowerment and Somatic Healing with the 'Oracle of Somatic Alchemy' 

             "Free from all the stories I’ve been told I walk through the valley of my own shadow."    


At SKA Synergy, I believe in the transformative power of lovingly embracing the taboo or shadow aspects of the human experience. My approach, rooted in Radical Empowerment, is both playful and nurturing tapping into individuals' innate wisdom through synergistic somatic and psychotherapeutic healing practices. 


Embodied in philosophy that acknowledges the interconnectedness of physical sensations, emotions, and psychological experiences. It is a holistic method that encourages individuals to explore their internal landscapes, allowing the body's wisdom to guide the healing journey.


Through somatic practice, we delve into the transformative power of deep self-awareness, utilising movement, breath-work, and intentional awareness to unlock the inherent potential within.


Together, we explore your internal landscapes, treating the body as a valuable source of information and wisdom to guide the healing journey, awakening somatic wisdom, erotic embodiment, and exploring the alchemy of intimacy.


I am particularly drawn to working with those often labelled as the "problem children." Through years of experience, I've witnessed the incredible strength and potential that lies within individuals who carry this label. I believe in transformation, in turning challenges into stepping stones towards a brighter future. It's about rewriting narratives and empowering individuals who've been misunderstood.


Mens Mental Health Advocacy 

My journey is also deeply rooted in a passion for men's mental health. For over two decades, I have been committed to understanding, supporting, and fostering growth in the male psyche. In a world where societal expectations can create complex emotional landscapes for men, I offer a soft no judgmental safe haven.


Men's mental health is not just an interest for me; it's a profound calling. I work closely with both men and the incredible women who hold space for them. Together, we navigate the intricate realms of emotions, relationships, and personal growth.


Somatic Healing

The term "somatic" originates from the Greek word "soma," meaning "body," emphasising the unity of mind and body in learning and self-awareness. This approach acknowledges that the body holds and reflects emotional states, providing a pathway for healing, self-discovery, and personal transformation.


Somatic healing is a holistic approach that recognises the profound connection between the mind and body. Through conscious engagement with bodily sensations and movements, we help clients access and process stored emotions and traumas resulting from emotional, psychological, or physical events.


Somatic healing, rooted in the principles of Polyvagal Theory and the neuroscience of emotions, strategically engages the parasympathetic nervous system, fostering rest and repair. By skilfully navigating away from the sympathetic nervous system's fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response, our sessions guide individuals out of entrenched trauma patterns. 

Sara - Kate Spreading the love & positive vibrations
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Association of Certified Sexological Body Workers Accreditation
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